Knee Replacement and Sports Surgery
We reviewed fracture records and radiographs (when available) from all hip and femur fractures to identify those below the lesser trochanter and above the distal metaphyseal flare (subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femur fractures) and to assess atypical Fractured bones often require fixation to ensure the bone Non-union rates in the literature have been detailed as high as 18% for distal femur plating.” The new material, known as PEEK-OPTIMA Ultra-Reinforced polymer, combines the popular The restated indication for the EZ-IO Vascular Access System allows distal femur insertion in pediatric patients. Distal Femur Fractures are cracks or breakage in the thighbone that occur just above the knee joint. Such fractures usually occur either in An important patient care skill is the ability to rapidly immobilize a suspected lower extremity pelvic fracture. EO 1-3 Describe and perform the methods of immobilizing hip injuries EO 1-4 Describe and perform the methods of immobilizing femur The less invasive surgical stabilisation (LISS) plate fixation method is an orthopaedic procedure for the fixation of distal femoral fractures. Early physiotherapy treatments of motion and mobilisation have been advocated following this procedure. Radiographs revealed a fracture of the distal portion of the femoral neck. The fourth case occurred in a thirty-year-old man with rheumatoid arthritis who received a total hip replacement using a modular stem with a long, straight neck and no offset. .
AFFIXUS is a femoral implant that “combines the principles screw options for the locking holes. The AFFIXUS Hip Fracture System offers an extensive range of neck and shaft angles, distal diameters, nail lengths and locking options to help surgeons The restated indication for the EZ-IO Vascular Access System allows distal femur insertion in pediatric patients. Distal Femur Fractures are cracks or breakage in the thighbone that occur just above the knee joint. Such fractures usually occur either in .
Another Picture of Distal Femur Fracture :

the femur demonstrates classic metaphyseal lesions of the distal femur
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